
On the Topics of Loss & Grief

Lectures and Programs
Patricia Shelden has been speaking on topics of Loss and Grief for 20 years.  Her reputation as a fine public speaker able to convey these issues with kindness, clarity, compassion and humor has made her a frequently sought speaker.  Able to meet the needs of those requesting her to speak, Patricia will modify her presentations.  The usual length of a lecture is one hour with time for questions to follow.  However, Patricia will consider longer presentations as requested.

Some of the current topics for Lectures are:  
A New Model for Loss and Grief
Most of What You Know About Loss and Grief is Wrong
Children & Teens and Loss & Grief; How They Grieve Differently Than Adults and How To Help Them
Coping With the Holidays Creatively After a Loss
Ways to Grieve Beyond and Instead Of Crying

Patricia Shelden conducts weekend workshops, a Friday evening and all day Saturday.  During these Workshops, in addition to the information and materials presented by Patricia the participants will be expected to do some individual and small group work in order for the material to be better understood and to encourage growth in the participants.  There are Workshops that have designed of the following topics.  However, Patricia has created Workshops to meet the needs in specific situations, such as "Helping Employees After a Loss in the Workplace," "How To Support Grieving Children," etc.

Current Workshops available:
Nearing the Journey's End
There are many decisions that are necessary and essential as we age, particularly as we prepare for the end of our lives.  In a safe and supportive, non-judgmental environment participants are given the opportunity to not only learn about these decisions but how to make them.  Some of the decisions discussed are: Living Wills, Advanced Directives, Where To Live, How to Pick Your Power of Attorney, and more.  In addition, Participants will learn what to consider in making these decisions,how to talk with family members to ensure they support your decisions and more.  

Patricia Shelden preaches at various churches and temples about Loss and Grief, how they impacts our lives, what we can learn about ourselves and others. 

Individual & Family Services

Individual & Family Work
Appointments with Patricia are available for one of one and a half hours.  Appointments can take place in person or via Skype.  The cost of appointments is on a sliding fee scale on ability to pay.

Contact Us to Schedule Any of Our Services.